At the FCL again :)

Yes, I did it again! I went to the FCL again for another course about  Interactive Technologies for the Future Classroom. My first experience is described here.

This time I learnt a lot and above all I had fun! Yes, real fun! Thanks above all to our teacher, Gert Lemmens so inspiring, motivating and challenging, and also to the other participants.

We created a lot of quizzes using   Socrative   Kahoot  Mentimeter    Quizizz

We used i3leanrhub   Prowise  to create nice and engaging activities  for the IWB and we created animated videos with Stop Motion; here my first try with the app done with two colleagues, one from Greece and one from Portugal,



And we did scavenger hunts using QR codes, which I really love!

The tasks our teacher  created for us were quite different, from singing Help while making a video of ourselves as evidence, to dancing, to creating a piece of news for a TV programme, just like this.  Yes of course you can laugh  🙂

To creating a video question ok, you can laugh here too!

My point is. I have learnt how to use new apps and web tools, I have learnt how to create challenging activities, I have worked in groups and I have solved quite a number of problems and, while doing all this, I had a lot of fun. I hope this is what I will remember when I go back to school: how much you can learn, how much you can develop your skills while having fun because school is serious even if it is not all grey and dull

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